@since: 1.0 > @api-version: 2.0 > Dependencies: imgscalr, commons-imaging
- API Interface
- Implementation org.europa.together.application.ImgSclrProcessor
Application needs often an simple way to manipulate images, like crop or resize. The Image Processor is a Wrapper for the imgsclr and commons-imaging library to enable basic image manipulation.
Available formats for storage: JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG
File image = new File("duke_java_mascot.png");
ImageProcessor processor = new ImgSclrProcessor();
int inputSize = processor.getImageSize(image);
if(processor.isImageSet()) {
int height = processor.getHeight();
int widht = processor.getWidth();
// resize the image heigh & weight to the half (reduce)
BufferedImage picture_01 = processor.resize(50);
// resize the image heigh & weight to the double (inflate)
BufferedImage picture_02 = processor.resize(200);
//rotate in 90 degree clockwise
BufferedImage picture_03 = processor.rotateRight();
BufferedImage picture_04 = processor.flipVertical();
BufferedImage picture_05 = processor.flipHorizontal();
// cut a defined rectangel (crop) from an image [x,y,height,width]
BufferedImage picture_05 = processor.crop(1, 1, 50, 80);
// save as JPEG
processor.saveImage(picture_01, new File("resize.png"), ImageProcessor.FORMAT_PNG));
// clear the internal status of the image processor